Tablets Humisap Tab, 15 pcs for planting
For faster plant recovery. Easy to use.
Root stimulant. Product enriched with endo/ectomycorrhizal fungi, microorganisms, and nutrients for planting or transplanting plants into open soil or pots by placing the tablet into the planting hole or near the roots.
Place 1 - 3 tablets per plant near the roots. After planting, the plant should be watered abundantly.

- Descripción
- Benefits
- Application & Composition
Root stimulant. Product enriched with endo/ectomycorrhizal fungi, microorganisms, and nutrients for planting or transplanting plants into open soil or pots by placing the tablet into the planting hole or near the roots. One package – quick establishment of 5-15 seedlings! 15 tablets in the package.
- Mycorrhizal fungi, forming a symbiotic relationship with the plant’s root system, stimulate its growth and effectively supply plants with water. Along with microorganisms in the soil, they transform less soluble nutrients into a form accessible to plants.
- Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed extract, included in this product, promotes plant growth. These seaweeds thrive in extreme climate conditions and contain a wide range of nutrients. By using this extract, plants are additionally supplied with trace elements, amino acids, growth regulators, and antioxidants, essential for their growth and development, helping them become more resilient to environmental conditions.
Humic and amino acids are natural biostimulants that promote plant growth, relax and improve the absorption of nutrients. - Convenient to use. Practical and easy application already adapted to the recommended dosage.
- Designed for the transplantation of trees and ornamental plants.
- Increases resistance to drought.
- The product contains well-balanced proportions of nutrients, ideally suited to the specific needs of individual plants or groups of plants. At the same time, fertilizer application norms are established, ensuring effective plant nutrition, avoiding overdosing, and contributing to environmental protection.
Composition Mass % Total Nitrogen (N) 1,0 Phosphorus (P2O5), water-soluble 3,0 Potassium (K2O), water-soluble 2,3 Humic acids 7,6 Fulvic acids 4,1 Amino acids 2,3 Seaweed extract 3,0 Organic carbon 0,7 Hydrogel 20,0 Polysaccharides 24,0 4 species of mycorrhizal fungi: Septoglomus deserticola, Finneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus irregularis, Claroideoglomus spp.
350 spores per tablet Microorganisms: Azotobacter chroococcum 1 x 108 KFV/g
Place 1-3 tablets per plant near the roots. The number of tablets will depend on the size of the plant:
Small plant: up to 70 cm in height – 1 tablet.
Medium-sized plant: up to 150 cm in height – 2 tablets.
Large plants: more than 220 cm in height – 3 tablets.
The tablet can also be used for growing plants by burying the tablet near the roots.
When planted or transplanted, the plant must be watered abundantly.


Solo compré el producto ARMADURA para mi jardín cuando abrió la tienda porque tengo un problema con los avispones durante el invierno. El producto llegó rápido, incluso después de usarlo en invierno, los árboles quedaron protegidos, pero el producto no afectó su imagen. Gracias


Estoy muy contenta con el abono PREMIUM para flores, después de usar el abono, las flores del balcón florecen como nunca antes. Gracias por la entrega rápida y la buena comunicación.


Cuando vi HUMISAP tabletas y polvo para plantar por primera vez, me sorprendí, porque nunca había visto un producto así, pero al plantar manzanos en mi jardín, realmente muestran sus beneficios. Todas las plántulas han echado raíces y están notablemente vivas.


He estado cultivando tomates, pepinos y similares en mi jardín durante muchos años y he probado muchos fertilizantes diferentes, pero cuando encontré el fertilizante PREMIUM para vegetales, lo usaré más de una vez, porque el resultado es obvio. Muy buena relación calidad-precio.


Solía usar bicarbonato de sodio después de la poda, lo que me dejaba las manos muy adoloridas y pegajosas. Después de descubrir JARDIN FORTE, estoy feliz con la aplicación rápida y limpia y sé que las áreas dañadas están protegidas de las influencias externas.